Pratha Charitable Trust

The Generation-old Trust silently has been steadfast in undertaking innovative projects both independently and in accordance with government guidelines, with the goal of uplifting individuals, families, and societies.

Be it the field of supporting families by empowering them , be it spreading the teachings of healthy lifestyle and identifying the trees and plants , the plantation of those which can benefit the communities and surroundings and then creating a movement around them in the field of plantation . Also Pratha's endeavors encompass a comprehensive approach that includes providing spiritual education to foster self-awareness and enhance overall well-being, thereby enabling people to lead more fulfilling lives.

The Trust's primary objectives are:

  1. Empowering craftsmen: Identifying challenges faced by craftsmen and providing sustainable solutions to improve their livelihoods, reducing unnecessary hardships.
  2. Facilitating upward mobility: Creating networks that connect privileged individuals with the underprivileged, leading to greater empowerment and employment opportunities.
  3. Promoting ancient wisdom: Disseminating teachings from scriptures to the general public, guiding them towards a brighter future and spiritual growth.
  4. Cultivating inner balance: Imparting experiences in meditation and mindfulness to foster consistent emotional and mental well-being especially in Youth of today .
  5. Advocating healthy lifestyles: Raising awareness about the importance of maintaining a healthy way of living.
  6. Establishing green zones: Developing areas dedicated to herbal plantation, promoting environmental conservation and sustainable practices.
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